The route plans for 2023 for the CUP Munich 2022 are expected to remain unchanged. Changes are possible and will be communicated here.

Course plans for medium, oly, popular (incl. youth A/juniors) and taster distance (corresponds to pupils A and youth B)

The swimming courses run rectangularly in front of the boat place of the regatta course. The leg lengths of the rectangle vary depending on age group and distance. Swimming entry and exit are directly on one of the wooden jetties.

The bike routes will remain unchanged from the 2022 routes. All bike courses from student A - athletes and older lead around the regatta course. One lap equals 5 kilometers. There is no catering on the bike course - except for the middle distance. ON THE BOAT PLACE AND ON THE SOUTHERN FRONT SIDE OF THE CYCLE COURSE, AERO HANDLEBARS PROHIBITED (both front sides). For middle-distance athletes, we serve water, PowerBar Isoacitve, PowerGel and PowerBar Energize Advances bars on the bike course.

Middle, Oly-Distance, Landesliga (purple):

The running circuit of the middle, Oly-Distance and Landesliga leads out of the transition zone south along the bike course on the left side - in running direction. After approx. 600m along the grandstand, turn left onto the wall and walk in the direction of "Munich Beach Resort". Just before the beach resort, turn right and walk down the wall, around the beach volleyball courts and along the Schwebelbach stream until you come to the bridge at the swim start. Here is the first aid station with drinks. On the other side of the creek you walk almost all the way to the regatta lake and walk under the underpass to then walk along the parking lot back to the boat mooring. Around the boathouses, the second aid station awaits you at the level of the finish area and you can start your next run (or finish). Please throw rubbish in the "littering zones" 20m behind the aid stations. The athletes of the Oly distance complete 4 running laps, the athletes of the middle distance complete 8 running laps (see below). The athletes of the state league complete 1 round each in the Swim & Run and in the Bike & Run.

Running round Volks-, Schupper- and Pupils A / Youth B-distances (green):

The other run for adult, taster and student A/youth B athletes initially runs parallel to the bike course in a southerly direction. In front of the grandstand, turn left onto the gravel path to the Schwebelbach. This is crossed on the 2nd bridge and you run along the parking lot to the boat place, around the boathouses past the finish line to the next running lap. Here is your aid station, which you pass every 1.2 km. Please throw rubbish in the "littering zones" 20m behind the aid stations. The folk distance completes this round 4x, all others complete the round 2x.

Overview of laps per distance

Round info CUP

Route maps student DB

In any case, students D complete a duathlon. The turning point routes of all student classes follow the same logic, but differ in length (see student route map). The experience of the last few years has shown that the student and youth races may have to be converted into a duathlon at short notice. The following applies to all student classes: If the water temperature is below 19 degrees, there will be no swimming and this will be replaced by a second run. The following distances are completed in the case of a duathlon:

Student D: 0.2 km run – 1 km bike – 0.2 km run (remains the same)

Student C: Run 0.4km – Bike 2.5km – Run 0.4km

Student B: 1km run – 5km bike ride – 0.4km run

Student A: Run 2km – Bike 10km – Run 1km

Construction of the transition zone

The construction of the transition area poses a particular challenge this year. On the one hand, we use a canal and one-way street system to guide the athletes contactlessly from the entrance to the competition area to their personal parking space in the transition area and out of the area again after the competition. On the other hand, we have ensured more distance between the athletes in all areas of the competition area in order to avoid contact here as well. The transition zone looks like this:


You will find a so-called "Littering Zone" about 20 meters behind each aid station. Please dispose of your rubbish here. If you are observed by the judges disposing of rubbish outside of these zones, time penalties may apply.

Time schedule