Fit für den ersten Triathlon #4: Letzte Tipps - so wird der Wettkampf zum Erfolg

Have you used all previous parts of the Volkstriathlon series to prepare for Day X and now feel ready for your first experience in triathlon? In this article you will find strategies and tips on how to make the competition a success!

Measured training

Many triathlon beginners use the last week before the event for intensive training to compensate for any performance deficits. However, the body's adaptation takes longer than just a few days, so your performance tends to deteriorate due to a lack of recovery time and too intense training loads. Therefore, do not train too intensively in the last week and not more than before.

short tapering

If your competition takes place on Sunday, you can continue to train to a slightly reduced extent and intensity until Thursday. On Friday you should then build in a complete rest day and on Saturday you should do a maximum 45-minute easy training session in the water, on the bike or on the run. You can still incorporate short stress phases, but don't overdo it. Above all, you should significantly reduce the running load during the competition week and also make sure you get enough sleep (minimum 8 hours) to support important recovery processes.

Right nutrition

Carbohydrate-rich food is recommended in the period leading up to the competition. As a result, the energy depots in the muscles and liver can be replenished to provide enough energy for a one to two hour endurance workout. At breakfast the day before, you should avoid high-fiber foods such as muesli, fruit and vegetables or wholemeal bread, as these can lead to digestive problems. Dairy products should also only be consumed in moderation, as even a slight lactose intolerance can lead to problems with high levels of stress.

enough liquid

Especially in warm temperatures you should make sure you drink enough fluids. Solid food is not usually necessary in the Volkstriathlon, so a bottle of isotonic drink on the bike is usually sufficient. Depending on how you feel, you can get water at the refreshment stations while running.

Avoid stress

In order to avoid unnecessary stress on the day of the competition and before, you should arrive early and with enough buffer time. A checklist is recommended so that you really have all your material with you.

We have summarized a comprehensive list of everything you need for the triathlon here > to the checklist

Competition essentials

For optimal performance and less stress in the transition zone

Knows the rules

It is particularly important for newcomers to the sport of triathlon that you familiarize yourself with the rules before the start of the competition. You can usually find these in the competition announcement and they are also mentioned again in the competition briefing. Also, be really careful during this one, because it would be very annoying to get a time penalty or even be disqualified from the race because of an open helmet in the transition area, or short slipstreaming. > Triathlon Competition Rules

Fast change

For professionals, the transition from the water to the bike and then to running shoes takes place almost entirely during movement. The tri suit is already worn under the neo and the cycling shoes are attached to the triathlon bike with rubber bands and taken off again on the bike when entering the second transition zone. Socks are superfluous for running distances under 10 kilometers and would only waste time. The pure transition time of professional athletes at the Olympic distance is around 60 seconds for the first transition and around 30 seconds for the second. In order to get close to the times of the pros, it is important to plan your change well and to let the training processes become an automated routine. If you follow all these tips for the competition, there is only one thing left: good luck!

The entire series: fit for the popular triathlon

#4 Last tips: how to make the competition a success


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